Turmeric Paste Anti-Viral Support

Turmeric is a promising treatment for influenza virus and helps prevent injury to virus infected lung tissue. It is likely to be effective for coronavirus too

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Coronavirus - Support Your Immune System

Modern medicine does not have the answers when it comes to the treatment of coronavirus, or any other virus. We’re all reliant on our immune system to protect us from harm

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Valentine’s Love For Every Day

Some people make sure they express their love and appreciation every day. But many people seem to wait until special occasions to show they care. Why wait until Valentine's Day to show your love?

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Is Anger Something Negative?

In a society where anger is seen as unacceptable and people are sent to ‘anger management’ when they appear out of control, it’s difficult for us to see this powerful emotion as anything other than bad.
But is it?

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Your Skin Is The Gateway To Your Health

You may have heard, ‘skin is the largest organ in the body’ but have you ever stopped to think about what that means? Just because water runs off your skin doesn’t mean it’s waterproof.

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Playing Your Part In Your Healing Journey

No matter what has happened in your life or where you find yourself right now, healing is possible. There is a way to relieve the mental, emotional and physical pain you’re experiencing. You are not alone as I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

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Your Life Is Driven By What You Believe

Our experiences in life teach us a lot about how the world works and our place in it. The things we learn become truths for us. They become a part of what we believe. They form the foundation of our ‘beliefs’. Some of those beliefs empower us and help us achieve the things we desire ...

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Are You Addicted To Stress?

I’m an observer and in watching some people’s lives I’ve seen how they keep ending up in stressful situations. People I’ve known for a long time create situations that are stressful even though many of them could have been avoided. I wanted to know why ...

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Taking Responsibility For Your Choices

It's easy to use outside circumstances or other people's behaviour as reasons to justify the choices, or lack of choices we make. But if you allow yourself to make excuses you are giving up your power to make a difference in your own life.

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Will A Win At The Oscars Make You Happier?

Winning an Oscar award or even being nominated for one is a big deal. But will it make you happier? If you're looking for external validation to bring you happiness, the answer is no

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Traumatic Events Shape Our Children

When we think about trauma we usually think about the 'big' things. But sometimes seemingly simple situations can teach our children things that can have far reaching consequences and teach our children a lot about how what to expect from life

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Are You Seeing The Truth?

What was your first thought when you saw the image at the top of this page? Kind looks like a very privileged dog eating in a throne like chair doesn’t it? But first impressions can be deceiving. In fact this image has to do with a rare and life threatening condition

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7 Foods To Improve Your Brain

Adding these seven simple foods to your diet will improve the function of your brain while supporting your body to be healthier. And don’t forget to add a sprinkling of joy and happiness to truly bring your body and brain to life!

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Empathy Is Not Just For Humans

This is a story about a wild cat and her kittens. Sadly, we have a lot of wild cats where we live and although I love all animals, these cats are a real nuisance. But one particular cat reminded me how important it is to have empathy for every living creature no matter how annoying they may appear.

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6 Ways Chronic Pain Is Affecting Your Life

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer with chronic pain on a daily basis, then your life is already affected. In mainstream medicine the focus on a diagnosis (many people never get one) and the treatment that is available is almost always pain management through medication. But pain is not a random event – it’s there for a reason.

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Bringing Balance To A Lopsided World

I understand that women have been marginalised for centuries – I’m a woman myself, but if we truly want equality, then concentrating on our separateness makes no sense. Women have fought for decades to have the same rights and opportunities as men and in some ways there is still a way to go.

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When It's Just One Of Those Days

Do you give yourself a hard time when you have a day when you don’t feel okay? You know, those days when you feel sad, tired, uncreative or just plain exhausted? There’s nothing you can put your finger on … you’re just having one of those days. I have those days too and I don’t like them any more than you probably do. We’re so used to ‘doing’

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UK’s Sugar Tax: The Battle Against Obesity

Is a sugar tax the answer to the obesity epidemic? With the number of obesity related hospital admissions in UK having more than doubled over the past four years, the Sugar Tax which comes into force today, is the government’s weapon of choice in an anti-obesity drive. The sugar tax has been hotly debated over the past couple

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Are You Struggling With Your Size?

Does it feel like no matter what you do, you just can’t lose weight or if you do, it jumps right back on again the minute you stop the restrictive diet you’ve put yourself on? You are not alone. Many people are in despair, desperation or have simply given up on their dream of being their ideal size. But I want to let you into a secret.

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How Emotion Affects Your Body

Do you know that every organ and gland in your body is related to a particular emotion? It’s as if your body has is a relay system that lets you know what you’re feeling by demonstrating pain or illness in the related part of your body. It’s feeding back to you to let you know that what you’re feeling is harming you. Amazing huh?

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Improve The Health Of Your Pet

Every pet parent wants only the best for their companion animal and I’m sure you’re no exception. But how do you know what the ‘best’ is? How do you sift through the latest fad or the latest ‘research’ to find what is exactly right for your furbaby? The answer is obvious to me. Ask them! But then, I’m the animal translator

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The Power Of Your Mind's Reality

Some people believe that the world just is the way it is, that bad things happen, that old age and illness always go together and that life is meant to be endured rather than enjoyed. And other people believe that the world is a beautiful place, that you can be healthy for your entire life and that life is a joyous journey to be savoured. Who is right?

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Why Do We Get Sick Sometimes?

Over time, as our bodies are introduced to many virus and bacteria, our brains do a wonderful job of keeping everything in alignment and working in the best way possible. It regulates our hormone levels, triggers the appropriate immune response to potential threats and lets our body move as we desire. Until, at some point, our brain becomes overwhelmed

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Healthy Blueberry Pancakes

If you’re anything like me, you probably love sweet things like pancakes. But of course you will also have heard that sugar is unhealthy, wheat is not good and that you should avoid cow’s milk. There goes all the yummy desserts, right? Actually, no! There are many ways you can satisfy your sweet tooth AND eat healthily. You can choose alternatives that are yummy

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An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight or get healthier by choosing a specific diet, you’ll know they all have one thing in common. They limit you to a very narrow range of foods. Many people follow the latest ‘hip’ or ‘trendy’ diet in an attempt to become slimmer or healthier but here’s the thing. Nobody talks about the energy behind the function of eating. 

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